
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Weekly Running Recap: June 30 - July 6

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend! My husband, dog, and I had an awesome weekend in wild and wonderful West Virginia. I'll post a recap this week.

As for this past week's running recap, it was one of those weeks where being super busy at work and trying to get ready for a long weekend away created the perfect storm that shattered my free time. I still got my runs in (though weekly total was only 13.71) but didn't do any strength training, only one abs workout, and only one yoga session. I'm motivated to do a lot better this upcoming week.

My big accomplishment for this week was completing the summer Runner's World Run Streak! I ran 40 consecutive days, from Memorial Day to July 4.
Jumping for joy after completing my last run of the run streak while in West Virginia;
Django comes over to investigate.

 Monday was an interval workout with four .25-mile intervals. Distance: 4.35 miles; Time: 49:28.
Lululemon Aquamarine Runner Up Tank and Bangbuster;
Athleta Raspberry Relay Skort
Monday evening was a 10-minute abs workout followed by 50 minutes of yin yoga.
Old Athleta Tank; Just a Short Run race shorts...
what I call my "sexy shorts," ha ha!
Tuesday was 3.19 miles in 39:08 at an easy pace.
Athleta Black Chi Tank and Fiji Green Fair Isle Skort;
Lululemon Zing Ping Light Energy Bra & Petal-something Bangbuster
Wednesday was an easy 2 miles in 22:40.
Old Athleta running top & Black Relay Skort

On Thursday before we left for the weekend, I made my first attempt at a tempo run as defined by Hal Higdon--gradually increase pace, maintain max pace for only a bit, and gradually decrease. I did a one-mile warm-up and cool-down then did a one-mile tempo run. I focused on the gradual build-up, maintaining for a bit, and then gradually decreasing. I did okay--need to work on making both the increase and decrease more gradual. I ended up doing 3.17 miles in 34:23.
Athleta Amalfi Blue Chi Tank & Asphalt Be Free Knicker;
Lululemon Beachscape Bangbuster
Friday I did my last run of the run steak on the gravel road leading to the secluded cabin we rented. I did one easy mile.
Athleta Glass Blue Dots Chi Tank & Asphalt Relay Skort
I ran one mile on this gravel road leading to our private cabin in West Virginia
to complete my run streak. (Dog didn't run with me--this was on a separate walk.)
It was odd not running on Saturday. I was tempted to continue my run streak because I still got all the rest and recovery I needed from running easy, short runs on non-running days. It really didn't take a lot of effort to continue the streak, and I never got tired of it. The only time where I felt like skipping the run was when I lost sleep from trying to get a bat out of my house in the middle of the night.

Still, even though I was sure that I could easily continue the streak (through Labor Day? through the end of the calendar year?), I remembered one of my summer goals: to indulge a bit more and enjoy more quality time with my husband and others I love. So Saturday and Sunday I did not run or exercise at all. I enjoyed breakfast on the deck watching a pair of cardinals eat seeds, exploring with my husband and dog, relaxing in the hot tub, and having our own little holiday BBQ in the gorgeous country where we were staying.

It was an awesome weekend that left me recharged for this upcoming week. Happy running!