
Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Five: Summer Goals Check Up

I was happy to see that this week's Friday Five linkup theme, hosted by Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Mar at Mar On The Run, and Cynthia at You Signed Up For What, is Goals. I've been wanting to check up on the summer goals I set in June, so this is a perfect opportunity.

1. Organize my fitness clothes: Done! I bought a new chest of drawers from Ikea and set it up in my spare room. Now my fitness wardrobe is neat, organized, and all in one place. I'll be doing a separate post about it, but here's a sneak peek.
Drawer of short-sleeve tops and tanks
Drawer of bras and long-sleeve tops

2. Save for a new Garmin: In progress. I paid off my credit card, which was the first step. Now I just need to start putting money away for it.

3. Switch to weight machines from free weights: Done! I've been going to the gym at lunch, but I will admit that some days I'm so busy at work that I can't take the time to go. On those days I just do strength training in my home gym.

4. Get a cover-up tattoo: Does the Oiselle temp tattoo I got with my last order count? This will definitely be my hardest goal to meet. I hate my awful tattoo I got when I was 18 and really want to cover it up with a better one...but the last thing I want to do is get a tattoo. I'll try to force myself to call the tattoo place for an appointment in the next month. Gulp.

5. Indulge--a little: Done! What I meant by "indulge" is that I can easily let my running and workouts take precedence over everything else in my life. As a result, I'll go to bed at 9 p.m. on weekend nights before a long run or skip invites from friends if I have to run the next morning. Since I've been in between training plans, it's been easy to loosen up a little. I really wanted to continue my run streak after it officially ended on July 4, but my husband and I were spending the weekend away, so I decided to spend the time with him instead of running. And recently, I've been spending more time biking with my husband than running. With my half-marathon training starting next week, I think it will become more challenging to have late nights sipping cocktails on our patio when I know I have a long run scheduled the next day, but I'll need to find a way to balance it all.

PS: If one of your goals is to run an obstacle race, check out my giveaway for a Spartan Race registration.

Can't wait to read other bloggers' goals! Check them out too through the linkup!