
Friday, October 10, 2014

Five Favorite Vegan Fuel Options for Race Day

My whiteboard at work. Yes, I have the artistic talent of a seven-year-old.
Happy Friday! With my goal half marathon next Saturday, this post is devoted to how I'll fuel on race day, the theme for the fun Friday Five linkup with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Mar at Mar On The Run, and Cynthia at You Signed Up For What.

My first half marathon last September was disastrous because bad fueling choices gave me crippling nausea, so I've been experimenting the past year with fueling options. This is what works for me and what I'll do on race day. I should note that I'm not including the day before the race because I'll eat as I normally do--lots of fruits, veggies, legumes, and whole grains. That goes against every tip to avoid high-fiber foods and eat lots of carbs, but my body gets sick on simple carbs and a big pasta dinner before my first half marathon helped to contribute to my nausea on race day last year.

1. My breakfast will be a cup of tea, half a banana, and half a bagel with peanut butter and jelly. I typically eat big breakfasts, so this is not a lot for me. I'll drink a tea that's a mix of green and black leaves plus mint, which helps with digestion. The banana and bagel will give me carbs, the peanut butter a bit of protein, and the jelly a bit of sugar to raise my glucose levels.

2. I'll take a salt stick 20 minutes before the race. It's an electrolyte tab that I've found has helped prevent nausea.

3. Fifteen minutes before the race and at 45 minutes and 1.5 hours into the race I'll take a Clif Shot Gel. These gels are all-natural and vegan (GUs are not vegan), and I think they are delicious! I have experimented with different levels of caffeine on training runs and have had no problems with any. I will likely take a caffeine-less gel before the race, a gel with low caffeine second, and a gel with the highest amount of caffeine last. I'll also bring a fourth just in case I feel like I need it.

4. I'll carry a handheld filled with Nuun and then drink water at each water station.

5. I'll pack a cup of chocolate soymilk in my bag so I have a treat immediately after the race. With carbs and protein, chocolate soymilk is great for recovery. It's also delicious and a treat I only allow myself to have after long runs and races, so I will enjoy it!

Because I got many of these ideas from reading tips from other bloggers, I can't wait to read other posts on fuel options. Check out the linkup!