
Friday, October 17, 2014

Five Favorite Inspirational Quotes

Happy Friday! You know what that means--the fun Friday Five linkup with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Mar at Mar On The Run, and Cynthia at You Signed Up For What.

Because my half marathon is tomorrow (!), I've been focusing on staying positive to prevent more of the mental freakout I had earlier in the week. I've been going back through my blog and Daily Mile posts to read motivational comments that people left and also looked up inspirational quotes. Here are five that have helped me stay sane in these last few days before the race.

1. When I start to doubt myself about trying a faster pace:

  2. When I wonder why I signed up for a race when it stresses me out so much:

 3. To remind myself that no matter what happens during my race, I run because I love it:

 4.To remind myself of the power of positive thinking:

5. To remind myself in tough miles that I'm not dying, I'm just running, so I just need to:

I'm working remotely today, so when I left my office yesterday I changed the race countdown on my whiteboard to this message to see when I get in on Monday morning. It's going to be a great race!

 Have a great weekend, and good luck to everyone running races!