
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Weekly Running Recap

Happy June! Some highlights from this past week before I get into the recap.
  1. This was my first week of the Runner's World Run Streak. Since I was running five days a week, I found it easy to run for the other two days. I was super motivated all week to get my runs in. 
  2. This week I had a PR for weekly mileage: 26.57.
  3. The pain in my left heel that started several weeks ago is for the most part gone. It still flares up occasionally, but the pain is minor. It hasn't affected my running at all. I've been doing a lot of calf stretches, calf foam rolling, and icing as soon as I feel pain, and I think that's really helped.
  4. It's hot! Remember just a few months ago during the polar vortex days when it seemed like warm weather would never come? I think it's safe to say that it probably won't snow anymore. I've been dealing with the heat by doing my weekday runs in the cool mornings before work. I've been getting out later than I'd like on the weekend, but I've just gone slow and drank lots of Nuun.
Okay, now for the recap.

Monday was Memorial Day and the first day of the run streak. It's normally my rest day, but I ran a slow and easy one mile.

Recovery Run--Distance: 1 mile | Time: 11:13 | 50 minutes yin yoga, hip series

Tuesday was hill repeats. I ran two easy miles then did five one-minute sprints up Polish Hill with walks down the hill to recover. Damn, that was hard.

Hill Repeats--Distance 5.84 miles with 5 1-minute repeats at 9:16 (approx) pace | Time: 59:00

Wednesday was the day I was literally running on empty and got sick because of low blood sugar. Still scratching me head as to why it happened, but it hasn't happened again and I'm taking measures (some of which readers suggested) to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm going to drink juice before runs, at least until I can order Clif Gels to take. I'm going to carry Life Savers candy as a precaution. I'm going to eat chia seeds before every run. And I'm going to eat a high-carb snack, like pretzels, in the evenings.

Easy Run--Distance: 4.50 miles | Time: 54:49 | Pace:  12:11

Thursday was supposed to be three miles at race pace, but I was a bit worried about getting sick again, so I did only two miles at race pace. It was still tough though, and I was still sweating like crazy when I was done.

Tempo Run--Distance: 3.16 miles | Time: 35:01 | Pace: 1 mile @ 10:00; 2nd mile @ 9:30-9:50: sandwiched in between easy pace @ 11:30 | 25 minutes yoga

Friday was supposed to be a non-running day. I decided to run from my house to my hair salon in the Strip and back because I had an appointment. It was hot and sunny when I went, so I wore the long sleeve Pacifica UPF top I recently got from Athleta. I have the long sleeve in a size small and a short sleeve in white in size medium. The small fits very snugly, as you can see here (I am wearing an Athleta Extra Long Chi Tank under and the Athleta Be Free Knickers). The white fits very loosely. I wish there was an in-between size!

The long sleeve has a zippered pocket on the arm. The short sleeve has one in the back.

I like the detailing on the shoulder, which both the short and long sleeve have.

 I put on my Run Like the Wind hat and was ready to go!

I was worried about how much I'd overheat while wearing a dark, long sleeve top. Yes, it was hot. But it wasn't too bad. The top is very lightweight, and the breeze blew right through it. It didn't stick to me, and I liked the long zipper to help cool off. I would definitely like to get more of this top in other colors.

Easy Run Commute--Distance: 1.89 miles | Time: 20:25 | Pace: 10:50 | 40 minutes strength training

Saturday was my long run. I like to take the dog for a walk first since it's still cool, and by the time I did that then fueled up and did my warm-up, I didn't leave the house until 8:45. By then, it was very sunny and getting hot. I knew the Stride for Pride 5K was starting at 9 and wondered if I'd run into them, but I didn't. I went on the Northside river trail out to the old jail and back. Parts of the trail have no shade, and on those sections I felt the sun just beating me down. I took it slow and easy, forcing myself to slow down and try to breathe deeply. I didn't have a problem with the run except for the heat and sun. Because the sun comes up at 6 a.m. now, I might have to start my long runs before 5 a.m. on really hot days. That sucks getting up so early on a weekend, but I'd rather do that than boil in the sun.

Long run--Distance: 8 miles; Time: 01:35; Pace: 11:57

In the afternoon, we took Django to Lucky Paws Pet Resort in Cranberry, which is a dog park that has a huge dog-only pool. Django loves it there. He runs around the park then runs straight into the pool to cool off. I assume that everyone knows, but if you don't, greyhounds are the fastest land animal after the cheetah and pronghorn. So when Django runs at a dog park everyone--people and dogs alike--stop whatever they're doing and watch him. Sometimes the other dogs will try to chase him, but they usually give up pretty quickly. I always hold my breath and hope that he doesn't get injured. He broke his toe running the first time we got him, and now I'm always worried when he runs.
Django on the far right watching the dogs swimming in the deep end.
He prefers to just lie down like he's taking a bath.
Sunday was another very hot day, so again I took it easy--a relatively short run on the river trail again.

Easy run--Distance: 3.18 miles; Time: 36:24; Pace: 11:26 

In the afternoon, we took Django to Petagogy's third anniversary party. Petagogy is an independent shop in Shadyside that sells premium and natural food, and it's where I buy Django's food. They had a little party set up. A woman from Doggie Delights was there to let you decorate your own pup-cakes.
Pup-cake decorating table
The pup-cake I decorated for Django
Django loved it!

They also had doggie soft-serve.
Django's ready for his ice cream!

He takes a few licks and realizes it's frozen...
Before taking the whole piece and just eating it.
We went on a quick walk in Shadyside, but it was just too hot for him so we kept it short.

This upcoming week will be the second week of the run streak and my hardest workout yet--a 3.5 mile tempo run. Then next week I'll taper a bit before my 10K race in two weeks.

Happy running this week, and stay cool!