Adjusting My 10K Training Plan

In early April I started a training plan to run a 10K in less than 60 minutes. The plan includes runs five times a week, two of which include speedwork, and one of which is a long run, plus two days of strength training. I added yoga to the plan for injury prevention and for my sanity. :-)

I hadn't missed any of my runs until last week, when I had some heel pain. I took one day off and then altered the other runs to be easy runs instead of speed workouts.

This week I'm back to the plan, but I'm altering it a bit. My heel pain was pretty much nonexistent and didn't flare up after Saturday's 5K. However, standing on my feel all day Sunday volunteering at the marathon really inflamed it. So I'm back to square one, but I know what worked for me last time, so I'll be foam rolling my calves, doing lots of stretches, icing it, and rolling it on a frozen bottle and ball.

In the meantime, I'm going to replace at least one of my speed workouts with an easy run. I thought I would be happy about that, but today was the first day where I was going to do speedwork on hills instead of tempo runs, which I was looking forward to.

To compensate a bit, I ran slightly faster than a truly easy run pace. The plan tells you what pace to run at, and it tells me I should run my easy runs at a 11:30 pace. For today's run, I increasd the effort just a tad to 11:00 and was still very comfortable.

I left at 5:15 a.m. to head to the river trail and saw only two other runners later on. It was chilly! I think tomorrow morning I'll do a few intervals and see how my foot feels.

Distance: 4.45 miles | Time: 49:01 | Pace: 11:00
