A Look Back at December

Happy last day of the year! What are you doing for New Year's Eve? My NYE tradition continues this year with having a party, making a bunch of good appetizers, and dressing up. The catch is that the "party" is only my husband and me. That way, I don't have to worry about cleaning the house for guests and whether friends drank too much and shouldn't drive home. A bonus is that no one but my husband will witness how difficult it is for me to stay up until midnight. :) I'm trying some new appetizers, and I'll post the recipes of the winners.

I'm taking a quick break for a check-in on how I did in December.

December and 2015 Miles

My goal this year was to hit 1,000 miles, so I'm happy and a little amazed to see that I ended up with more than 1,300, especially since I didn't train for a marathon.

Strength Training

While I didn't do a plank every single day, I did them on most days.

I also found a good strength routine that fits into my training plan and have been good at getting my strength work in.

Weight Management

I need to devote a whole post to this, but the gist is that I really like the Weight Watchers new Beyond the Scale program. I talked to my sister, who works for Weight Watchers, at Christmas about why I'm thinking about quitting, and she had some wise advice for me. I've decided to continue on the program even though my training is ramping up. I'll mainly be following the Racing Weight guidelines for nutrition, but just tracking everything in Weight Watchers. My hope is that I'll have the freedom to eat what I need to fuel my runs while cutting out more sugar and sweets. I lost 2.3 pounds on the first two weeks of the new program. And then, everything I've ever learned about weight maintenance went out the window last week. It was a holiday sweets and treats free-for-all, made worse because I didn't track what I ate. So this week, 2.2 pounds found me again, so December was a wash. 2016 will be the year that I finally stop the "I just need to lose 3 more pounds" mentality that I had all of 2015. More on that tomorrow when I post my 2016 goals.

Happy New Year's Eve! I hope it's safe, fun, and spent with those you love!

My aunt got Django an ugly Christmas sweater for Christmas.
You can see how thrilled he is with it.

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