Intervals, Big Green Caterpillar & Other Randomness

Happy Hump Day! Today is a special Wednesday. It's the Wednesday before a long holiday weekend--also my birthday weekend--and just a week and a half away from my vacation. So I'm especially happy today! Some random things for this Wednesday:

1. Intervals. This morning's interval workout was hot and tough. It was 7 .25-mile intervals at 5K pace. I nailed my pace--first time ever!--for the first few intervals, but by the fifth I was feeling really depleted. Thanks to Sara's suggestion from a while back, I carry emergency Lifesavers candy with me on runs, so I stopped and had a few and felt better. Still, that last interval was a killer. When I got home, I immediately ate a slice of the chocolate chip banana bread I baked last weekend, and that definitely made me feel better.

2. Polyphemus Moth Caterpillar. Found this big guy on our mailbox yesterday evening. Super cool and scary looking. I wasn't sure why he was on my mailbox or what his destination was, but I left him be. He wasn't there an hour later, though I suspect he may now be living in the mailbox. See the little swirlies on the mailbox? Those are scratches from his teeth or claws or something (we watched as he made the scratches as he moved around).

3. Deer Meet Greyhound. On this morning's walk near the base of wooded Troy Hill, a family of deer and Django had a staring contest. Greyhounds look like deer for sure with their long necks and legs. So many people have told me--especially on hikes in the wood--that they thought I was walking a deer. Deer who see Django are always curious about him. This time it was a momma and two young deer. Momma's nose was flaring and, after a few minutes, she stamped her feet a few times, which was my cue to walk Django away from them.
Deer or Django? Pic from a hike last fall.

4. New Shoes. I followed a tip from Cynthia's post from a few weeks ago that said to replace shoes before they get completely worn out. With a planned 300 miles of training for the half marathon and about 400 miles on my current pair, I knew I'd need a pair eventually. So I got them early to break them in a little before I retire my current pair. I got the same pair as last time--Asics GT 2000 2. I'm on my fourth pair. They work really well for me.

5. Word Crimes. For most of my professional life I've been a writer and editor (I just recently moved into a new role), so people always send me grammar jokes. My niece sent me this Weird Al video, which I love!

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